Com.It.Es South Australia and the Consulate of Italy in South Australia produce a bi-lingual A.I.R.E information guide


Com.It.Es South Australia in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy are proud to announce that we have created a new bi-lingual information guide for Italians living in South Australia on how to register on A.I.R.E. Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero (A.I.R.E.) meaning Registry of Italians Abroad is an important requirement of Italians living abroad to register their residency status so the Consulate can provide assistance where necessary or even allow an easier access of Italian documents and the issuing of passports if required.

This newly published guide will serve as  an important tool to provide the Italian community information on their legal requirements as a citizen abroad and why to register their residency status at the Consulate. Com.It.Es South Australia President Dr Christian Verdicchio stated that “this guide has been a great collaboration between the Consulate and Com.It.Es. South Australia since the committee identified the need to provide important information to the Italian community about A.I.R.E and the importance in registering especially since it has now been made easy online. As a committee we also have noticed that many Italians born here in South Australia do not update their details when they move address or even register their new-born children at the consulate. This is important for the Italian government to know so they can monitor the population of Italians abroad and ultimately ensure that the Consulate is appropriately supported to assist the growing amount of Italians needing consular services. Therefore, we created a bi-lingual guide to capture the wider Italian community and we hope that many of the citizens abroad understand the importance of registering on A.I.R.E and realise that it is quite easy to do so.”

The Consul of Italy Mr Adriano Stendardo stated that “I wish to thank Com.It.Es. South Australia for its strong support for this project” and praises the A.I.R.E information guide as an essential tool to spread awareness and information on the importance of AIRE enrolment – a citizen’s right/duty which provides access to a series of consular services, as well as the exercise of some important rights – made even easier thanks to the online portal Fast It.

Com.It.Es South Australia would like to thank the Consul of Italy Mr Adriano Stendardo for his amazing support, hard-work and collaboration in this project. The Consul has been very active since starting his post earlier this year and we are thankful for his hard-work and dedication to the Italians abroad. Finally, we would also like to thank the Com.It.Es of Victoria and Tasmania for allowing us to utilise and modify this guide for the South Australian Italian community.

The A.I.R.E Information Guide is available for download on both the Consulate of Italy and Com.It.Es South Australia websites as of today.

Click here for official media release AIRE Media Release

Click here for A.I.R.E guide AIRE Guide EMAIL