Last week the Com.It.Es’ around Australia, the CGIE and Italian MPs had an emergency meeting in relation to the COVID19 affect on Italians abroad. It was clear that with the government restrictions put in placed this affected many workers in the hospitality and tourism sector. Unfortunately for those Italians living here on a temporary Visa they are not entitled to any assistance from the federal government, and may find themselves in a very difficult situation to survive during this period without work and an income.

The Com.It.Es’ and CGIE collectively wrote to the Federal Minister for Social Services the Hon Anne Ruston advocating support for these Visa holders abroad (not just Italians) who typically contribute positively to the economy and work hard to create a new life in Australia.

We hope the Federal government take this matter into account urgent to assist those Visa holders abroad to get through this very difficult time in the world. We are in this together!

To read our letter please click here – Letter _Min. Ruston