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“Italian Outdoors” @ Valley View Secondary School
Comites was honoured to be invited to the initiative ‘Italian Outdoors’, run by Valley View Secondary School, where they have built a pizza oven in the middle of the school. All the year 11 students, led by Silvia De Cesare, researched how pizza was invented and...
SA Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care
The very early years in our lives are so instrumental in setting up so many aspects of future experiences. We, at ComItEs SA, were very pleased to see the SA state government set up the Royal Commission to investigate extending early childhood education and care to...
Aussie ‘Digger’ and Italian soldiers at El Alamein.
As we move from Festa della Liberazione/ANZAC Day to Festa della Repubblica (2 June) - signalling the end of a terrible period of dictatorship and devastation - a touching vignette of humanity during war. It was on the last day of October that Tom himself was...
Italian in the workplace
Bellissima iniziativa dal team #ItalianStudy- University of South Australia per promuovere Y12 Italian e il bilinguismo. Great initiative by the team of Italian Studies del UniSA to promote the importance of Y12 Italian and bilingualism. — ‘[Il bilinguismo fa] la...
“Alla più perfetta delle dittature preferirò sempre la più imperfetta delle democrazie.”
“Alla più perfetta delle dittature preferirò sempre la più imperfetta delle democrazie.” Cosi' nel 1979 il Presidente della Repubblica Sandro Pertini parlava agli Italiani, lo stesso che da ragazzo e da partigiano, il 25 Aprile del 1945 annuncio' per radio di...
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