Latest News
Com.It.Es South Australia and ARIA Proudly Launch – ‘Research in South Australia. A concise guide for newly arrived Italian researchers
Research in South Australia: A concise guide for newly arrived Italian researchers is a brief guide that aims to provide newly arrived Italian researchers in South Australia with a general, yet specific to the State, outline on where and how to research in South...
Italian Studies to Remain at Flinders University
It is with great pleasure that Com.It.Es South Australia has been told that Flinders University has reversed and the Italian department and teaching of Italian will continue as per normal. After starting this cause nearly 3-weeks ago we raised a huge amount of...
Help Save Italian at Flinders University- Sign Our Online Petition Now!
Dear Italian Community Leaders, As you may be aware there has been a recent announcement at Flinders University to close the teaching of Italian. Com.It.Es South Australia is deeply concerned about this decision to cut the teaching of Italian, given that the Italian...
COVID 19 Vaccination – Why we should get vaccinated
Protect yourself and the community Vaccination is the most effective way to protect against infectious diseases. Vaccines strengthen your immune system by training it to recognise and fight against specific viruses. When you get vaccinated, you are protecting...
Elezioni Com.It.Es 2021
Il prossimo 3 dicembre si terranno le elezioni per il rinnovo dei Com.It.Es.; gli italiani residenti all'estero saranno chiamati a votare. Cosa sono i Comites? Comitati elettivi istituiti nel 1985 che rappresentano i connazionali all'estero, nei rapporti con...
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